Are Participation Trophies Really So Bad?

Are Participation Trophies Really So Bad?

Picture sourced from Ivory Mix. Many people assume that participation awards cause a sense of entitlement and a poor work ethic – but what if this isn't true? The generation I belong to is constantly being criticised. We’ve been called entitled, lazy, self-absorbed – and those are the amongst the nicer terms I’ve heard. We [...]

Overcoming Your Insecurities About Growing Up

Overcoming Your Insecurities About Growing Up

Image sourced from Ever feel like you're the only person who hasn't grown up? Overcome these insecurities by acknowledging you're not the only one feeling this way. As a child I couldn’t wait to “grow up.” All the adults around me were so much taller, so much smarter, and they always knew everything. Seriously. It [...]